FROM Wednesday 1 July the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CRJS) will only be available to firms and staff who’ve already been on it.
To qualify after that date an employee must have been furloughed for a full three week period before Tuesday 30 June. Hence, hauliers and industry suppliers need to get staff on the scheme by Wednesday 10 June, the deadline for firms furloughing individual staff members for the first time.
Firms can bring furloughed staff back to work on a part-time basis and still claim the CJRS grant for the normal hours they haven’t worked.
In other words if a staff member works 16 of their 40 hours for a week, companies can claim the CJRS grant for the remaining 24 hours, as per the terms of the scheme.
International freight drivers are exempt from the need to isolate for 14 days on entry into the UK, but it is clear, that the exemption is only valid when the driver is entering for work purposes.