There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and health and safety – alright, potentially four.
Many think the latter has emerged at the expense of ‘commonsense’ but in reality it’s a phrase meaning ‘best practice’.
Steve Banner looks at Euro NCAP’s mission is to achieve ‘Vision Zero’ (eliminating all traffic fatalities and serious injuries), and it has turned its testing and safety performance attention to the HGV vehicle category for the first time, producing some mixed results.
Richard Simpson provides an overview of the latest guidance on load retention from DfT and HSE, and raises some interesting questions.
Simon Walton revisits ‘bridge bashing’. It is a daily problem. A six times a day problem.
And Peter Brown delves into the world of telematics and how it can improve driver and fleet management, and drive-up safety alongside productivity.
This story is featured in the latest issue of Transport News.
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