SMMT Update: UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing Fell In August

BRITISH commercial vehicle (CV) manufacturing fell -10.0% in August as 6,044 units rolled out of UK factories, according to new figures published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

August being a low output month due to the traditional ‘summer shutdown’, this was equivalent to just 673 fewer units with year-to-date volumes still 8.8% up on 2019’s pre-pandemic output.

In the year to date, UK CV plants have produced 78,805 units, a rise of 5.8% on 2023 and the best performance in 14 years despite supply chain disruptions throughout the year. Volumes are also up 72.3% on 2019 levels – driven by exports, up 12.0%, with 52,389 units shipped overseas. Output for the domestic market, however, fell -4.7% to 26,416 units.

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