After his father introduced him to road haulage, Euan Renton set up on his own in Kincardineshire. David Craik discovers the ‘rewards’ of being your own boss.
IF YOU ever want to make weekend plans with Laurencekirk solo operator Euan Renton, it may be best to wait until he calls you.
For before Euan, who founded the one Scania truck and two-trailer strong E.N.& L. Renton Haulage in 2009, can relax into any given weekend he has quite the task ahead of him first.
“My vehicle might arrive at the yard a little bit dirty on the Friday evening but by Monday morning I want it looking as shiny as new,” he explained to Transport News. “Emma, my wife who runs the accounts and books for the firm, knows I just can’t settle until the job is done!”