Multimodal 2024 Show Report

Multimodal 2024 closed with a visit from Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, in her role as patron of Transaid.

For Transport News, the current issue features several ‘multimodal’ companies that made it down to Birmingham from Scotland.

Regular Transport News contributor Simon Walton reports on Maritime to Malcolm Group, Russell to RailX, from ACL through Derry Brothers to Ziegler – the heavyweights, and those just punching above their weight, were all there.

Add in a Rolodex of multimodal multinationals from land and sea, and it’s not surprising that a global range of opinions was expressed.

Multimodal 2025 takes place from 17-19 June 2025.

Pick up the September 2024 magazine at your local stockists or go online to subscribe.

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