RHA Members Demand DVS Delay

A new RHA survey has found 87% of its members want a 12-month extension to the grace period for compliance with London’s Direct Vision Standard (DVS).

From the end of October, HGVs over 12 tonnes will be required to have a minimum three-star DVS rating to enter Greater London or face heavy fines.

Vehicles ranked at two stars or below will be required to fit additional safety measures known as the progressive safe system (PSS), with non-compliance leading to a potential penalty charge of up to £550 per operator and £150 for the driver, per vehicle per day.

Launched by the RHA earlier this month, the survey was open to all operators of HGVs servicing London. The RHA said these up-to-date results are ‘conclusive’ in their call for an extension to the current deadline.

RHA MD Richard Smith said there was still ‘significant concern’ from operators about the timescale around which they are expected to retrofit their trucks with new equipment.

“We had a significant and representative response from the industry and our membership, consisting of large, medium, and small operators,” he said, and the added that the results are conclusive

“With 57% of respondents saying they’re not confident of being able to install compliant equipment in time, and 89% calling for the grace period to be extended by at least 12 months.

“We are still collaborating with partners and continuing our dialogue with TfL so that firms have the clarity and confidence to invest in the required safety equipment. Your input gives us clear and concise evidence to share with TfL and TEC as we call for the grace period to be extended by a year.

“These results will help build the strongest possible case to secure the changes the industry needs to comply.”

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