First On The Scene

An online training course giving HGV drivers crucial skills to provide support at the scene of accidents is aiming to help save the lives of thousands of motorists.

The 90-minute course teaches drivers how to make critical decisions, make the perfect 999 call, and provide first-aid assistance prior to the arrival of paramedics.

A World Health Organization report on road traffic injury prevention reveals that many deaths from airway obstruction or external haemorrhage could have been avoided by lay bystanders trained in first aid. Death from a blocked airway typically occurs in about four minutes, while NHS England’s target time for an ambulance to arrive if the call is life-threatening is eight minutes.

Pictured is David Higginbottom, chief executive at training firm Driver First Assist, which has launched the Skills for Safer Journeys course.

Transport News ran an exclusive back in the May 2024 issue.

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