VisionTrack’s latest AI-powered software can save umpteen hours of trawling through camera footage. Jack Carfrae explains how it works.
“I THINK the technical term is ‘shedloads of data’,” said Charles Morriston, VisionTrack’s head of professional services. He’s described the number of clips generated by the average video telematics system.
Now common among HGV fleets, they typically capture just about everything from an innocuous brush of a kerb to a full-blown shunt.
They serve up multiple recordings – normally footage of the incident itself, plus a few seconds either side – which is irrefutable proof of what took place. Hard to beat for the likes of targeted driver training and settling insurance claims.
The trouble is, they create an awful lot of alerts, and even relatively small operators could wind up with hours of footage to sift through, before they really know whether any clips amount to more than trundling over a speedbump.