Twenty-five years after the inaugural running of his annual West Coast Road Run, organiser Jim Doig has decided to call it a day. Back in ‘97, Bob Tuck was amongst the 17 runners on the first memorable trip from Dumfries to Oban and back. Now Bob looks through those memorable years spent criss-crossing Scotland’s finest scenery in all sorts of weather.
JIM DOIG reckoned he’s had enough: “I’m too old for this,” he said, “I’m ready to put my feet up.” You’ve certainly earned laurels aplenty Jim, so rest easy. As leader of the organising team for the Dumfries Transport Group’s annual West Coast Run, over the last 25 years Jim has generated wagon loads of enjoyment.
Not only for the hundreds (probably thousands) of participants who have taken up his late September invitation to head sort of north and west – or sometimes east and south – but also by the many who have seen those hundreds of classic motors pass their eyes, it was happy days indeed.
But of course, nothing lasts forever so after a two year break prompted by the Covid Pandemic restrictions, in 2022 Jim decided on one last three-day meander around some of the stunning scenery which Scotland has in abundance. And joining him for this one last hurrah was about 40 of his ardent followers.