Regular guests at the annual Transport News Scottish Rewards celebration breakfast were surprised that the usual musical entertainment spot on the programme was switched to a magician, the skills and expertise of whom passed all understanding… Alistair Vallance reports from the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow.
ALL THE essentials were nicely in place for the 28th Transport News Scottish Rewards, held on the morning of Friday 4 November. The banqueting suite of the Crowne Plaza was as usual filled to capacity, Louise the event piper shepherded everyone into breakfast and comedian Des Clarke set the scene before the ‘Full Scottish’ breakfast was served to all 580 guests.
Des did give a ‘do not touch’ warning to everyone concerning the ten silver envelopes on all 58 tables and that got guests speculating, providing a great conversation piece over breakfast and a suggestion that there would be something unusual happening later.
Meantime, as breakfast plates were cleared the tried and tested Rewards timetable unravelled with Des Clarke winding up the audience into high good humour.