ENSURING that a truck’s load is the optimum weight is paramount to maximising efficiency, revenue and safety for operators. With these factors in mind, there is a greater need for drivers to know what, and how much, they are hauling; a situation that has led to new developments in the market for vehicle weighing systems.
A major player in the sector is VWS (Vehicle Weighing Solutions), which offers products to suit a range of vehicles, such as recycling trucks, tippers, gritters and skiploaders.
‘About nine months ago, we started looking at Wi-Fi connectivity on all of our products, the first one we concentrated on was Wi-Fi for tippers,’ explained Trevor Evans, operations director at VWS. ‘The reason for that was because typically their drivers or operators would use a Bluetooth or wireless handheld display, which sometimes proved to be unreliable. Because that product had been around for a long time, we thought it could do with a refresh.’