PERHAPS more so than with any other type of truck, tipper operators really do know precisely what they want from their vehicles and, in turn, choose their specifications with great care.
For its latest tipper grab truck, Glasgow operator About Grab Hire UK Ltd has gone to great lengths to acquire a vehicle that delivers an optimum combination of performance and payload. As a result, his new vehicle has been fitted with the first Thompsons X-Lite Loadmaster body to be delivered in Scotland.
‘My other three vehicles all have Loadmaster bodied,’ says company boss John Martin, ‘so there’s no question about Thompsons quality and reliability. With the X-Lite, they’ve gone another stage further with a weight saving of around 260kg over a standard Loadmaster Lite, and almost half a tonne over the heavy duty, double skinned Loadmaster. Yet thanks to X-Lite’s construction from Hardox 500 steel, there’s no loss in strength or durability. In fact, there’s even more.
‘In our job, where trucks are inevitably on the heavy side, the new X-Lite is a game changer.’